I am proud to say, I have found time to blog! Instead of being wildly addicted to trying to get more Yellow Ostriches, Stars and clicks.
So, a couple days ago I was doing business on my farm as usual. Then I accidentally clicked on the Add Coins button, one of the many buttons I accidentally click on, which also include the Free Ostrich button. :)
So I clicked on it, and was about to close it when my eye catches something.
>> TRIAL PAY<< href="http://myspace.laymark.com/">
It loaded!!
what? only two options and both require you to buy either something that costs at least $50 USD or $50 Australian dollars, and it gives 23 playfish cash?
Well at least there is a trial pay option for my country.
Hopefully they'll put in actual free options in the future.
Today I also discovered that the Yellow Ostrich is very good for profit, if not the best animal.
12 hours for a 1200 ostrich eggs.
A normal Ostrich takes 24 hours for some reason. It seems to have changed from before.
Perhaps they are bugged and yellow Ostriches are supposed to be 24 hours.
It is strange to me that a free animal would be so good.
But I'm going to collect as many as possible. :)
Hopefully it is on purpose and they don't change it :D
So I planted a bunch of trees today. Around 200+
This is for the dog collection quests.
I tried to maximize my space, so I could get them in the fewest possible batches.
By the time these trees are done I'll be at the 5th quest, if I don't mess up my harvests. :)
Then I think I can complete it with 1 more batch. 5th quest and 6th quest require so many trees.
So I was wondering,
What is the most difficult part of getting Ostriches?
For me it's accepting gifts. :)
Clicking all the facebook gifts takes awhile.
But in the game it's even harder because it's slower.
That's probably the most painful part for me. :)
Not the clicking of links or anything.
But then again, posting a feed and buying the actual ostrich isn't that fun.
Sometimes the feed won't post. I get facebook errors or some other type of errors and I just can't post it. Causing me to reload the game again and again.
And sometimes buying ostriches won't work. No matter how many times I click the buy button sometimes it refuses to be bought.
Currently I have 12 Ostriches. Though I need to still buy 3 more. The buy button wouldn't work earlier.
I'm still getting ostriches. I may be a little nuts about it now. :)
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I finished half the blog post before I went to dinner but when I came back the was a blackout =.=
So obviously I couldn't post.
Just had some free time to finish blogging. :)
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