Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 19th Update

I'm sure you all know about the April 19th Update.
I'm sure you know all the horrible things about it.

And yet... I will express my hate for it, because I really just cannot like it.

Not one bit. I've tried, but there is nothing good about it. At all.
Usually there is at least something good about an update. But I can't find it.

Okay, SandFish's summary of the update.


Queue Actions

Quite frankly, I can't believe playfish even implemented this. I honestly never played FV long enough to know it's features, so maybe FV has this and PF is copying. But honestly??

So many things they've done recently, is giving in to little bitty details from people who are apparently too lazy to click. I mean, auto-tool?? And now queuing?

Screams laziness to me.

And the point is, not that they put it in, but they didn't think of the slowness that majority people experience playing this game. I've not found 1 person who can ALWAYS play the game smoothy with zero slowness, zero lagging and zero jerking.

I tired this queuing thing yesterday. My computer isn't great, and the game isn't great.

So by the time I click on the next plot to queue it up, the plot I was already working on is finished. And the queuing doesn't do much.

Not to mention, a big problem with everyone, is that the queuing clicks sometimes don't register at all, so sometimes plots are missed.

I tried it once yesterday, and kept missing tons of plots, and having to reclick them, and My little avatar was running back and forth and back and forth, and of course coins flying everywhere.

Then my computer froze. This much animation is really too much. I normally click things slower anyway to reduce the coin animation and lag. I have no use for clicking clicking clicking then waiting. It's slow.

I shut down firefox and didn't bother to open it again and harvest my crop because it was a horrific experience.

The only thing I can say about it, is that it's probably a GOOD thing the screen doesn't auto-scroll, I bet that would cause even more slowness while queuing.


No more auto-scroll

The screen no longer scrolls when you walk.

Although a serious matter, it's quite funny the amount of people who came on the forums wondering why their screen can't move and how to walk down.

This makes me think of one thing. Playfish mail. Have you read those? They only list good things in the mail. They don't explain anything. No explanation of how to use the new user interface etc. On the no IF gifting update, they never even said that's not possible anymore.

Thus many users who don't gift IF regularly won't realize until later.

But on the point of auto-scrolling. Here's why dragging won't work for cs, but it will for rc

In rc you don't have to move the screen alot. Face it. Sure there are decorations everywhere. But the actual necessity of moving is not alot. You can probably see all your chefs and waiters in one screen.

Unless you decide to put your chefs, waiters, toliets, or whatever all away from each other... nobody really does that.

So if you are looking at your chef/waiter/customers, you really don't need to move to see them all.

UNLIKE, cs. In cs moving is vital to the game.

In cs you need to see and click the aspects that work. Plots, animals, trees.

And unless you play in full zoom out the whole time, most likely things won't fit on the screen.

Thus you have to move alot. And dragging is a pain, especially when the game is already slow for you.

And I think, doesn't really work well for macs. I've only ever used a mac for a few minutes and I couldn't even do a simple thing like right-click, much less drag.

So it doesn't really work well for cs. Unless you are able to see much more in your screen.

But now, in full zoom in, you have to drag quite alot to reach the otherside of your farm.

I prefer auto-scroll as this is a pain.


New shops

They tricked us with words!! That banner sitting over hotel city promised us new shops.

What we got is more "redesgined shops"

And in my opinion, it's bad..

One thing is, I don't like in-game pop-ups, I feel it slows down the game compared to the old shops.

I'm also not sure if this is true, but I feel like I'm doing a whole lot more clicking in the shops.

And the shop seems more crowded because there are so many "buy" buttons and suchs crowding the place.

The actual items are so small!! And we can't preview the items!

I prefer the old shops.

I mean, before wide-screen it wasn't all the pleasurable, having to scroll down to see the shops, and scroll up to see your money. But after wide-screen I can see everything in one screen, no need to scroll.

So this new method for me, is...more difficult.


A few insignificant details

Did anyone notice the crops are smaller?
Perhaps it's just my coloured chili crops, but I'm sure they are smaller now than before.

And is it just me or is the new snowflake spirit just a really ugly version of the holiday spirit??



No selling decos

I haven't seen it myself. I only logged in once after the update, and haven't bothered today...
But apparently we can't sell stuff anymore??

If this is true that is lame. Are we just going to let stuff pile up in our storage??


No gifting CC

Of everything that irks me from this update, this is the kill-shot.

Remember me saying I probably wouldn't quit unless CS did something horrible?
This could be it.

If CC items aren't giftable again, I've lost my purpose in this game.

I mean, the game is no practically a solo game. And I don't like solo games.

I'm also very very mad that CS won't let me get my snowbear and snow rabbit.
I was only a few days from getting it.

And perhaps also making a deal for old cc flowers.

And I was in the middle of a CC trade.

This is very frustrating. Just when I bought CC.

Well if they won't change this back, I'm definitely never buying CC again.

And maybe I'll quit. I've no idea.

This is the dumbest thing they could have done.

I know people who buy CC purely for trading..

EA are fools.

FV is not great. That's why we play CS.

If EA/PF can't figure that out then they aren't smart.

Way to run a business.

any new players they get will only like the game because they've never experienced the better version of CS.

And that's all I'm ever going say to about this matter, because I hate it.


I hope they do change it back.

I could live with auto-sell, untradeable IFs, but not this.

We'll just have to see what happens now.


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