I've got Ostrich Fever!! Yes I do!! Click click click. :D
So I added an Ostrich counter. Sort of.
It says how many Ostriches I've currently got,as of now 4.
Some people just have tons of friends. The most I've seen to date is 8 Ostriches!!
:) I just love Ostriches. Ostrich farm!! Plus.. free...animals.. :) It's all good!
I'm spending so much time adding friends and clicking. :D
As for country story,
Well I completed the first of the dog collection quest.
But of course they throw you a curve ball, the 2nd one requires 15 apple harvests in addition to some of the new trees I don't remember which.
Since tree take 3/4 seasons, I think I'm just gonna do it slowly. Sure I could plant 15 apple trees now but then all the timing of tree will make it much too stressful.
So I'm just gonna do a batch of tree for each quest.
Unless people start posting the requirement for each quest up. So I can plan ahead the number of trees of each kind I need. But now I'm fumbling around in the dark.
:D Can't wait they are so cute. Cuter than the lambs in my opinion. Although one or two don't look very natural I still prefer dogs over lambs.
And I think I need more space...where am I going to put them ostriches??
But they may be a good profit. Can't wait till they grow up. <3
The game seems to lose connection a lot more lately...
I'm not sure why. But it seems to freeze less as well.
Well...I don't really like losing connection. Because I'll never really know if what I'm doing is saved.
I once tried to do stuff while it was losing connection. Then I found out later that nothing had saved. (The game crashed, I didn't get to manual save)
Boy was I frustrated...
Then there's it losing connection and you do everything okay but you can't manual save...
It is really frustrating.
Plus the game is still slow for me.
Much better than last week but still slow.
Oh well. I don't completely hate the game now. Ostriches saved me.
Still I miss trading... :(
Snowbeary... <3
Off to get more ostriches!! *obsessed*
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
April 27th update
The April 27th Update has washed away all my Country Story blues from the previous update!!
I must say I did not expect an update today. I thought it would be on the usual date wed/thurs.
But it's a great update! The only thing that could make it better is if the made CC items tradeable again.
Okay here's a rundown of the update.
The game is back to it normal (still slow) but normal speed.
Not that awful speed since the last update. It makes me feel loads better.
The queuing sort of works now, I can actually queue! amazing!
Although it still sometimes skips a few plots, it's much faster now.
There is ANOTHER new magic tree.
Now gotta get it as well.
Thank god there is no more new spirits.
That's getting boring.
A blue tree. I like blue.
Looks kind of dangerous to me. Maybe the 3rd level will look nicer.

And finally there are new regular trees!!

The regular trees have had a NEW sign on them for months!!
The new trees are Plum, Peach Lycee, and Pomegranate.
I can't wait to see what they look like when they are grown with fruit.
I grew some.
Also they are 3 seasons. AWESOME!!
I don't like 4 season trees, to long a commitment to log in everyday on time.
Stressful for me. Good thing there is no more 7 season trees!
New collection quest!
Aren't those puppies cute?

I think they are. I love them more than the lambs.
Though I may be biased towards them. I love dogs
The pirate and gypsy are my favorite.
The ballerina looks a bit odd. lol.
Can't wait to get them. I wonder if all the quests are to do with the new trees. I planted tons just in case.
I think the new fertilizer symbol is just great!
It really looks like fertilizer. Plain and simple.
I always thought the older versions looked too magical.
:D love it!

And of course. The MAIN EVENT!!
FREE yellow ostriches!!
You need 50 friends to click on your feed link or to send you a star gift.

Each friend can click once a day. And send you a gift too.
And apparently it's staying in the game for a few WEEKS!!
Awesome! Did I mention you can get more than one?!
Yellow ostrich farm here I come!! Yes this is awesome. It makes me feel so much better about cs.
I like it. :D
So go collect your ostriches.
And you can add me for ostrich stars if you like.
No stealer/shakers please. ;)
Leave a note thanks!
Sorry I HAVE to go get more ostrich stars!
I must say I did not expect an update today. I thought it would be on the usual date wed/thurs.
But it's a great update! The only thing that could make it better is if the made CC items tradeable again.
Okay here's a rundown of the update.
The game is back to it normal (still slow) but normal speed.
Not that awful speed since the last update. It makes me feel loads better.
The queuing sort of works now, I can actually queue! amazing!
Although it still sometimes skips a few plots, it's much faster now.
There is ANOTHER new magic tree.
Now gotta get it as well.
Thank god there is no more new spirits.
That's getting boring.
A blue tree. I like blue.
Looks kind of dangerous to me. Maybe the 3rd level will look nicer.
And finally there are new regular trees!!
The regular trees have had a NEW sign on them for months!!
The new trees are Plum, Peach Lycee, and Pomegranate.
I can't wait to see what they look like when they are grown with fruit.
I grew some.
Also they are 3 seasons. AWESOME!!
I don't like 4 season trees, to long a commitment to log in everyday on time.
Stressful for me. Good thing there is no more 7 season trees!
New collection quest!
Aren't those puppies cute?
I think they are. I love them more than the lambs.
Though I may be biased towards them. I love dogs
The pirate and gypsy are my favorite.
The ballerina looks a bit odd. lol.
Can't wait to get them. I wonder if all the quests are to do with the new trees. I planted tons just in case.
I think the new fertilizer symbol is just great!
It really looks like fertilizer. Plain and simple.
I always thought the older versions looked too magical.
:D love it!
And of course. The MAIN EVENT!!
FREE yellow ostriches!!
You need 50 friends to click on your feed link or to send you a star gift.
Each friend can click once a day. And send you a gift too.
And apparently it's staying in the game for a few WEEKS!!
Awesome! Did I mention you can get more than one?!
Yellow ostrich farm here I come!! Yes this is awesome. It makes me feel so much better about cs.
I like it. :D
So go collect your ostriches.
And you can add me for ostrich stars if you like.
No stealer/shakers please. ;)
Leave a note thanks!
Sorry I HAVE to go get more ostrich stars!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Expanding my horizons
Now that CC items have become untradeable, I feel like widening my horizons in PlayFish games.
My main goal in cs used to be to make money, and trade for rare cc items. (Because there aren't any good non-cc rare items)
Now that goal is gone. And although the trophy goal is still there...well..let's just say there isn't much I can do to speed that up. Not that I want to anyway.
I also still open the game to look after my lovely crops and animals.
I'm thinking I may hold a contest soon but who knows? I don't know what to give away anyway.
So I'm expanding into PS and perhaps RC as well.
Now I never used to really play PS.
PS is quite slow on my computer, and truthfully I don't really like taking care of my pet, and making money is just awful.
But I do love the cute items. Especially Plushies!!

So I'm starting a modest plushie collection. Any plushies I can get my hands on. I'm getting them! :)
I always wanted to do this, but before I wanted to keep my cs money for cc items. Well that problem is gone now!
As for RC. I'm not sure yet. But I'm considering trying to complete all my dishes.
That should be fun.
I'm going to start needing ingredients! :D
I know as a CS blog I should probably talk more about cs.
But I don't see why I can't discuss other Playfish games.
And at the moment if I say anything about cs, it's all going to be complaining, and I don't want to do that. But hopefully the next update will bring new joys!
I'm looking forward to it.
And for now, I'm going to try editting the blog a bit.
Hopefully I don't ruin it. :)
My main goal in cs used to be to make money, and trade for rare cc items. (Because there aren't any good non-cc rare items)
Now that goal is gone. And although the trophy goal is still there...well..let's just say there isn't much I can do to speed that up. Not that I want to anyway.
So I'm expanding into PS and perhaps RC as well.
Now I never used to really play PS.
PS is quite slow on my computer, and truthfully I don't really like taking care of my pet, and making money is just awful.
But I do love the cute items. Especially Plushies!!
So I'm starting a modest plushie collection. Any plushies I can get my hands on. I'm getting them! :)
I always wanted to do this, but before I wanted to keep my cs money for cc items. Well that problem is gone now!
As for RC. I'm not sure yet. But I'm considering trying to complete all my dishes.
That should be fun.

I know as a CS blog I should probably talk more about cs.
But I don't see why I can't discuss other Playfish games.
And at the moment if I say anything about cs, it's all going to be complaining, and I don't want to do that. But hopefully the next update will bring new joys!
I'm looking forward to it.
And for now, I'm going to try editting the blog a bit.
Hopefully I don't ruin it. :)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Country story is slow
Hello! Thanks to those people who check this blog often. I'm sorry I haven't blogged lately. Here are my excuses...
Country Story is slow, SandFish is lazy.
haha, horrible excuses really.
Well since the update I've gotten really lazy in logging in cs.
Possibly coincidence but I feel cs has gotten more slower than usual. But strange since I wasn't really affected by expansion.
But I feel my computer as a whole is running alot slower. That may be because according to the newspaper, there's some problem with the internet in my country and the internet may disconnect or not run as fast, until May 2nd ... that's too long...
Even browsing webpages is slow. That makes me want to play playfish games a lot.. *sarcasm*
But I shall keep trying!!
Unfortunately, the forum seems really really dead....it's really boring.
Okay! I said I was going to try to find the good side of this update. And so I will try!
I wanted to put tons of picture here to make a cute post, to make up for being lazy..and not posting. But CS is much too slow for me to be taking screenshot
at the moment so I'm making do with. Cute emoticons! 
Now when I first read the update thread on the forum I was like
I can't believe they gave in and put in action queuing.
Then I found a thread that said CC items were no longer giftable and I was

Then I was

And now I'm

Though I hope they still reverse it.
Strange, that's the way I felt when they did auto-sell. I stubbornly went on strike, because I was sure they would reverse it or tell us something at least. After removing treants so fast I was sure they would. But they didn't and soon I wanted to play the game more than I wanted to keep my crops in-case they did reverse it.
But for this update its different. I no longer have the will power to play.
I said I was going to find good stuff about this update.
The good stuff is...


Well at least they tried
Although the implementation of the queuing and manual screen dragging failed horribly.
In theory the queuing should make the game easier to play. Can't say anything about the new shop which they claim is easier. Perhaps I will go and count the number of clicks it takes before and after to buy stuff.
B for effort guys!

(I don't think they deserve and A for effort
Honestly I think playfish/ea are doing this

And one day this will happen

They are doing dangerous things.
Quite frankly I'm still wondering the reason for auto-sell.
Does anybody recall they said something about new major updates in the future that has something to do with these??
Have they come yet??
I still have not seen a reason that auto-sell is required.
Other than becoming a FV clone.
But we'll see.
Anyway's everyone feels much richer after auto-sell

But despite feeling richer we still really just have the same amount of money. So even if hey put in a expensive bunny or expensive expansion, auto-sell is necessary. So I don't get it yet.
Some people are losing their patience playfish.

the game is truly going down the drain.
I guess they honestly want us to find other activies

Video games. Which right now are more fun than a solo cs.

Faster too.

Playing with fireworks

Much more fun than doing this
to your computer while playing cs.
Sometimes I feel like doing this
to cs.
I used to love
it though
Please fix this cs

The forums are a ghost town now.

Okay now I think I'm just saying useless things as an excuse to use more emoticons.
I know I was going to change the layout but my motivation to do it is gone now.
Now that cs is like this.
So bye for now. I'll blog tomorrow and not days for now.lol

Country Story is slow, SandFish is lazy.
haha, horrible excuses really.
Well since the update I've gotten really lazy in logging in cs.
Possibly coincidence but I feel cs has gotten more slower than usual. But strange since I wasn't really affected by expansion.
But I feel my computer as a whole is running alot slower. That may be because according to the newspaper, there's some problem with the internet in my country and the internet may disconnect or not run as fast, until May 2nd ... that's too long...
Even browsing webpages is slow. That makes me want to play playfish games a lot.. *sarcasm*
But I shall keep trying!!
Unfortunately, the forum seems really really dead....it's really boring.
Okay! I said I was going to try to find the good side of this update. And so I will try!
I wanted to put tons of picture here to make a cute post, to make up for being lazy..and not posting. But CS is much too slow for me to be taking screenshot
Now when I first read the update thread on the forum I was like
Then I found a thread that said CC items were no longer giftable and I was
Then I was
And now I'm
Though I hope they still reverse it.
Strange, that's the way I felt when they did auto-sell. I stubbornly went on strike, because I was sure they would reverse it or tell us something at least. After removing treants so fast I was sure they would. But they didn't and soon I wanted to play the game more than I wanted to keep my crops in-case they did reverse it.
But for this update its different. I no longer have the will power to play.
I said I was going to find good stuff about this update.
The good stuff is...
Well at least they tried
Although the implementation of the queuing and manual screen dragging failed horribly.
In theory the queuing should make the game easier to play. Can't say anything about the new shop which they claim is easier. Perhaps I will go and count the number of clicks it takes before and after to buy stuff.
B for effort guys!
(I don't think they deserve and A for effort
Honestly I think playfish/ea are doing this
And one day this will happen
They are doing dangerous things.
Quite frankly I'm still wondering the reason for auto-sell.
Does anybody recall they said something about new major updates in the future that has something to do with these??
Have they come yet??
Other than becoming a FV clone.
But we'll see.
Anyway's everyone feels much richer after auto-sell
But despite feeling richer we still really just have the same amount of money. So even if hey put in a expensive bunny or expensive expansion, auto-sell is necessary. So I don't get it yet.
Some people are losing their patience playfish.
the game is truly going down the drain.
I guess they honestly want us to find other activies
Video games. Which right now are more fun than a solo cs.
Faster too.
Playing with fireworks
Much more fun than doing this
Sometimes I feel like doing this
I used to love
Please fix this cs
The forums are a ghost town now.
Okay now I think I'm just saying useless things as an excuse to use more emoticons.
I know I was going to change the layout but my motivation to do it is gone now.
Now that cs is like this.
So bye for now. I'll blog tomorrow and not days for now.lol
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
One by one by one...
Well, my mistake, you can deco decorations in cs, (that's what I get for listening to rumors on the forum) it's in the redecorate tab, you can sell your stuff.
My issue is, buying things, one by one by one....
Today I logged on cs, and harvested my crops from before the update for the first time.
I tried the previous days, but cs was so so slow, I couldn't do anything and just gave up.
I've also tried queuing again. It's totally useless. I'm going to play the game as if there is no queuing. Wait for the action to be done. It should be slightly smoother that way.
Although the temptation to queue is still there. click click click click click wait wait wait.
It's tempting to queue, until you do queue, then you realize your awful mistake. :)
Some people seem to love the new queue feature. I guess those that's asked for it.
But personally, I don't see how a little "sign" appearing every time I do something, helps my game speed at all.
I also can't believe some people like the new dragging screen feature. I mean, one of the reasons I saw was "don't have to wait for the avatar to move so I can go to one part of my farm..."
That's true, but I figure... you need your avatar there to do anything anyway...
Though personally I think an option for auto-scroll vs drag would be nice.
I can't figure out why cs won't let us have options...
Though the new shops is quite a pain.
Decorating. Does it not take more time to open the deco shop, purchase the deco, then open redecorate the redecorate?? Before we could buy as we redecorated. The saves time.
Buying everything one by one by one. I don't know about you but this isn't a great feature.
For seeds, I used to buy all my seeds from the shop before I planted them. Why? Because I dislike the feature of buying as we plant. Those little coin numbers deducting from the top just in all makes things alot slower.
For decos, well I personally don't buy tons of 1 deco, except fences but I understand why this is painful. The whole thing is just more complicated. And we can't preview the items anymore.
For eating. Seriously? We can only eat 1 food, then the whole storage/shop closes and we have to open it again. Do you eat only 1 food? What a pain. So if I wanted to eat 10 lemonades I have to reopen it everytime? I've like 450 lemonade to be eaten...no to mention other things.
The new shop is just crowded, and complicated to use....
Now with this update they've removed
Treants, Xmas food, Old version IFs.
I suppose it's because this is "old" stuff, we can't get them anymore, and I'm guessing they take up some server space??
Well, treants if they aren't coming back, are now totally useless in-game. Even if it's for memory sake, playfish wouldn't think twice about removing them, if they reduce server usage or something. Although I must say, I read on the forum someone who had 25k treants... :O
They should at least give us the coins in compensation.
Xmas food. Well, they'd have no space in the new shop. People also keep them for memory. But we should be compensated in other foods worth the same stamina right?
The same with old Ifs. they changed them to instant fertilizer, and now they are gone. So people lost IFs. And seeing as they aren't tradeable, I think we should've been compensated.
Unless this losing of stuff is some horrible bug/error. we aren't getting them back...
I think tomorrow I'll try, try, to see some good things from this update.
Can't complain forever. I guess....
:( bye bye cc items
My issue is, buying things, one by one by one....
Today I logged on cs, and harvested my crops from before the update for the first time.
I tried the previous days, but cs was so so slow, I couldn't do anything and just gave up.
I've also tried queuing again. It's totally useless. I'm going to play the game as if there is no queuing. Wait for the action to be done. It should be slightly smoother that way.
Although the temptation to queue is still there. click click click click click wait wait wait.
It's tempting to queue, until you do queue, then you realize your awful mistake. :)
Some people seem to love the new queue feature. I guess those that's asked for it.
But personally, I don't see how a little "sign" appearing every time I do something, helps my game speed at all.
I also can't believe some people like the new dragging screen feature. I mean, one of the reasons I saw was "don't have to wait for the avatar to move so I can go to one part of my farm..."
That's true, but I figure... you need your avatar there to do anything anyway...
Though personally I think an option for auto-scroll vs drag would be nice.
I can't figure out why cs won't let us have options...
Though the new shops is quite a pain.
Decorating. Does it not take more time to open the deco shop, purchase the deco, then open redecorate the redecorate?? Before we could buy as we redecorated. The saves time.
Buying everything one by one by one. I don't know about you but this isn't a great feature.
For seeds, I used to buy all my seeds from the shop before I planted them. Why? Because I dislike the feature of buying as we plant. Those little coin numbers deducting from the top just in all makes things alot slower.
For decos, well I personally don't buy tons of 1 deco, except fences but I understand why this is painful. The whole thing is just more complicated. And we can't preview the items anymore.
For eating. Seriously? We can only eat 1 food, then the whole storage/shop closes and we have to open it again. Do you eat only 1 food? What a pain. So if I wanted to eat 10 lemonades I have to reopen it everytime? I've like 450 lemonade to be eaten...no to mention other things.
The new shop is just crowded, and complicated to use....
Now with this update they've removed
Treants, Xmas food, Old version IFs.
I suppose it's because this is "old" stuff, we can't get them anymore, and I'm guessing they take up some server space??
Well, treants if they aren't coming back, are now totally useless in-game. Even if it's for memory sake, playfish wouldn't think twice about removing them, if they reduce server usage or something. Although I must say, I read on the forum someone who had 25k treants... :O
They should at least give us the coins in compensation.
Xmas food. Well, they'd have no space in the new shop. People also keep them for memory. But we should be compensated in other foods worth the same stamina right?
The same with old Ifs. they changed them to instant fertilizer, and now they are gone. So people lost IFs. And seeing as they aren't tradeable, I think we should've been compensated.
Unless this losing of stuff is some horrible bug/error. we aren't getting them back...
I think tomorrow I'll try, try, to see some good things from this update.
Can't complain forever. I guess....
:( bye bye cc items
April 19th Update
I'm sure you all know about the April 19th Update.
I'm sure you know all the horrible things about it.
And yet... I will express my hate for it, because I really just cannot like it.
Not one bit. I've tried, but there is nothing good about it. At all.
Usually there is at least something good about an update. But I can't find it.
Okay, SandFish's summary of the update.
Queue Actions
Quite frankly, I can't believe playfish even implemented this. I honestly never played FV long enough to know it's features, so maybe FV has this and PF is copying. But honestly??
So many things they've done recently, is giving in to little bitty details from people who are apparently too lazy to click. I mean, auto-tool?? And now queuing?
Screams laziness to me.
And the point is, not that they put it in, but they didn't think of the slowness that majority people experience playing this game. I've not found 1 person who can ALWAYS play the game smoothy with zero slowness, zero lagging and zero jerking.
I tired this queuing thing yesterday. My computer isn't great, and the game isn't great.
So by the time I click on the next plot to queue it up, the plot I was already working on is finished. And the queuing doesn't do much.
Not to mention, a big problem with everyone, is that the queuing clicks sometimes don't register at all, so sometimes plots are missed.
I tried it once yesterday, and kept missing tons of plots, and having to reclick them, and My little avatar was running back and forth and back and forth, and of course coins flying everywhere.
Then my computer froze. This much animation is really too much. I normally click things slower anyway to reduce the coin animation and lag. I have no use for clicking clicking clicking then waiting. It's slow.
I shut down firefox and didn't bother to open it again and harvest my crop because it was a horrific experience.
The only thing I can say about it, is that it's probably a GOOD thing the screen doesn't auto-scroll, I bet that would cause even more slowness while queuing.
No more auto-scroll
The screen no longer scrolls when you walk.
Although a serious matter, it's quite funny the amount of people who came on the forums wondering why their screen can't move and how to walk down.
This makes me think of one thing. Playfish mail. Have you read those? They only list good things in the mail. They don't explain anything. No explanation of how to use the new user interface etc. On the no IF gifting update, they never even said that's not possible anymore.
Thus many users who don't gift IF regularly won't realize until later.
But on the point of auto-scrolling. Here's why dragging won't work for cs, but it will for rc
In rc you don't have to move the screen alot. Face it. Sure there are decorations everywhere. But the actual necessity of moving is not alot. You can probably see all your chefs and waiters in one screen.
Unless you decide to put your chefs, waiters, toliets, or whatever all away from each other... nobody really does that.
So if you are looking at your chef/waiter/customers, you really don't need to move to see them all.
UNLIKE, cs. In cs moving is vital to the game.
In cs you need to see and click the aspects that work. Plots, animals, trees.
And unless you play in full zoom out the whole time, most likely things won't fit on the screen.
Thus you have to move alot. And dragging is a pain, especially when the game is already slow for you.
And I think, doesn't really work well for macs. I've only ever used a mac for a few minutes and I couldn't even do a simple thing like right-click, much less drag.
So it doesn't really work well for cs. Unless you are able to see much more in your screen.
But now, in full zoom in, you have to drag quite alot to reach the otherside of your farm.
I prefer auto-scroll as this is a pain.
New shops
They tricked us with words!! That banner sitting over hotel city promised us new shops.
What we got is more "redesgined shops"
And in my opinion, it's bad..
One thing is, I don't like in-game pop-ups, I feel it slows down the game compared to the old shops.
I'm also not sure if this is true, but I feel like I'm doing a whole lot more clicking in the shops.
And the shop seems more crowded because there are so many "buy" buttons and suchs crowding the place.
The actual items are so small!! And we can't preview the items!
I prefer the old shops.
I mean, before wide-screen it wasn't all the pleasurable, having to scroll down to see the shops, and scroll up to see your money. But after wide-screen I can see everything in one screen, no need to scroll.
So this new method for me, is...more difficult.
A few insignificant details
Did anyone notice the crops are smaller?
Perhaps it's just my coloured chili crops, but I'm sure they are smaller now than before.
And is it just me or is the new snowflake spirit just a really ugly version of the holiday spirit??
No selling decos
I haven't seen it myself. I only logged in once after the update, and haven't bothered today...
But apparently we can't sell stuff anymore??
If this is true that is lame. Are we just going to let stuff pile up in our storage??
No gifting CC
Of everything that irks me from this update, this is the kill-shot.
Remember me saying I probably wouldn't quit unless CS did something horrible?
This could be it.
If CC items aren't giftable again, I've lost my purpose in this game.
I mean, the game is no practically a solo game. And I don't like solo games.
I'm also very very mad that CS won't let me get my snowbear and snow rabbit.
I was only a few days from getting it.
And perhaps also making a deal for old cc flowers.
And I was in the middle of a CC trade.
This is very frustrating. Just when I bought CC.
Well if they won't change this back, I'm definitely never buying CC again.
And maybe I'll quit. I've no idea.
This is the dumbest thing they could have done.
I know people who buy CC purely for trading..
EA are fools.
FV is not great. That's why we play CS.
If EA/PF can't figure that out then they aren't smart.
Way to run a business.
any new players they get will only like the game because they've never experienced the better version of CS.
And that's all I'm ever going say to about this matter, because I hate it.
I hope they do change it back.
I could live with auto-sell, untradeable IFs, but not this.
We'll just have to see what happens now.
I'm sure you know all the horrible things about it.
And yet... I will express my hate for it, because I really just cannot like it.
Not one bit. I've tried, but there is nothing good about it. At all.
Usually there is at least something good about an update. But I can't find it.
Okay, SandFish's summary of the update.
Queue Actions
Quite frankly, I can't believe playfish even implemented this. I honestly never played FV long enough to know it's features, so maybe FV has this and PF is copying. But honestly??
So many things they've done recently, is giving in to little bitty details from people who are apparently too lazy to click. I mean, auto-tool?? And now queuing?
Screams laziness to me.
And the point is, not that they put it in, but they didn't think of the slowness that majority people experience playing this game. I've not found 1 person who can ALWAYS play the game smoothy with zero slowness, zero lagging and zero jerking.
I tired this queuing thing yesterday. My computer isn't great, and the game isn't great.
So by the time I click on the next plot to queue it up, the plot I was already working on is finished. And the queuing doesn't do much.
Not to mention, a big problem with everyone, is that the queuing clicks sometimes don't register at all, so sometimes plots are missed.
I tried it once yesterday, and kept missing tons of plots, and having to reclick them, and My little avatar was running back and forth and back and forth, and of course coins flying everywhere.
Then my computer froze. This much animation is really too much. I normally click things slower anyway to reduce the coin animation and lag. I have no use for clicking clicking clicking then waiting. It's slow.
I shut down firefox and didn't bother to open it again and harvest my crop because it was a horrific experience.
The only thing I can say about it, is that it's probably a GOOD thing the screen doesn't auto-scroll, I bet that would cause even more slowness while queuing.
No more auto-scroll
The screen no longer scrolls when you walk.
Although a serious matter, it's quite funny the amount of people who came on the forums wondering why their screen can't move and how to walk down.
This makes me think of one thing. Playfish mail. Have you read those? They only list good things in the mail. They don't explain anything. No explanation of how to use the new user interface etc. On the no IF gifting update, they never even said that's not possible anymore.
Thus many users who don't gift IF regularly won't realize until later.
But on the point of auto-scrolling. Here's why dragging won't work for cs, but it will for rc
In rc you don't have to move the screen alot. Face it. Sure there are decorations everywhere. But the actual necessity of moving is not alot. You can probably see all your chefs and waiters in one screen.
Unless you decide to put your chefs, waiters, toliets, or whatever all away from each other... nobody really does that.
So if you are looking at your chef/waiter/customers, you really don't need to move to see them all.
UNLIKE, cs. In cs moving is vital to the game.
In cs you need to see and click the aspects that work. Plots, animals, trees.
And unless you play in full zoom out the whole time, most likely things won't fit on the screen.
Thus you have to move alot. And dragging is a pain, especially when the game is already slow for you.
And I think, doesn't really work well for macs. I've only ever used a mac for a few minutes and I couldn't even do a simple thing like right-click, much less drag.
So it doesn't really work well for cs. Unless you are able to see much more in your screen.
But now, in full zoom in, you have to drag quite alot to reach the otherside of your farm.
I prefer auto-scroll as this is a pain.
New shops
They tricked us with words!! That banner sitting over hotel city promised us new shops.
What we got is more "redesgined shops"
And in my opinion, it's bad..
One thing is, I don't like in-game pop-ups, I feel it slows down the game compared to the old shops.
I'm also not sure if this is true, but I feel like I'm doing a whole lot more clicking in the shops.
And the shop seems more crowded because there are so many "buy" buttons and suchs crowding the place.
The actual items are so small!! And we can't preview the items!
I prefer the old shops.
I mean, before wide-screen it wasn't all the pleasurable, having to scroll down to see the shops, and scroll up to see your money. But after wide-screen I can see everything in one screen, no need to scroll.
So this new method for me, is...more difficult.
A few insignificant details
Did anyone notice the crops are smaller?
Perhaps it's just my coloured chili crops, but I'm sure they are smaller now than before.
And is it just me or is the new snowflake spirit just a really ugly version of the holiday spirit??
No selling decos
I haven't seen it myself. I only logged in once after the update, and haven't bothered today...
But apparently we can't sell stuff anymore??
If this is true that is lame. Are we just going to let stuff pile up in our storage??
No gifting CC
Of everything that irks me from this update, this is the kill-shot.
Remember me saying I probably wouldn't quit unless CS did something horrible?
This could be it.
If CC items aren't giftable again, I've lost my purpose in this game.
I mean, the game is no practically a solo game. And I don't like solo games.
I'm also very very mad that CS won't let me get my snowbear and snow rabbit.
I was only a few days from getting it.
And perhaps also making a deal for old cc flowers.
And I was in the middle of a CC trade.
This is very frustrating. Just when I bought CC.
Well if they won't change this back, I'm definitely never buying CC again.
And maybe I'll quit. I've no idea.
This is the dumbest thing they could have done.
I know people who buy CC purely for trading..
EA are fools.
FV is not great. That's why we play CS.
If EA/PF can't figure that out then they aren't smart.
Way to run a business.
any new players they get will only like the game because they've never experienced the better version of CS.
And that's all I'm ever going say to about this matter, because I hate it.
I hope they do change it back.
I could live with auto-sell, untradeable IFs, but not this.
We'll just have to see what happens now.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Purchasing of PFC
Hello. I'm currently thinking of a new layout for this blog. I'm also testing a new visitor count widget to the left. (Yes it's ugly) But I think I can change it to make it look nice. I'm still messing around with it. I like it because it has a stats page so I can see how many people view per day. Instead of the ever increasing counter that doesn't really tell me anything.
So blog is under semi-construction, but hopefully I can make it nice soon.
I'd like to thank Mauros Pit for linking me from his blog. (Even though I can't read a thing on his blog, hehe) Thank you!
Today, I purchased PlayFish Cash!
I've been debating about it for a while. And two certain people were pressuring me to buy. They know who they are (but do they read this?) :)
And it's just joking pressure, not peer pressure. :)
I have other reasons for buying it that pushed me to the other side of the fence. I may tell you in a couple days time.
But I really just love love love CS. It's a little upsetting that I won't be able to trade for CCs as often now. Perhaps that influenced my decision to buy. But I don't really think so. I don't have big plans to splurge on new CC items every week. Expensive!!
One thing I've always wanted are CC animals.
You would've thought they'd make em trade-able by now, but I guess they are just making things un-trade-able. ;)
But yes, those cute CC animals are loved.
However for the meantime I'm not going to buy a single one!
Yes to buy all except dog and yellow chicken, I need to fork out 125cc....
Expensive. I plan on charging 1 more time for 120cc, so perhaps I'll buy them after I get the darn free invited ostrich. But for now, use my will to not buy!!
Now Playfish cash is quite expensive for an income-less student like me.
Though I do think that since I love CS so much it's worth it.
I seriously do not think I will quit anytime soon. Unless things in real life change.
Or they manage to change cs so much it becomes unrecognizable. :O
Now years and years ago....I've spent too much money on online games. I don't even know how much.. too much...
I really don't have much regret on spending that money because I liked those games at that time.
People pay for their own hobbies right? Why not online games? Because it's "pixels"?
If it makes you happy it makes you happy.
To be honest, I was so excited about buying CCs, I couldn't really sleep... lol.
But it doesn't make me happy!
The only regret I have on spending money before is...I wish I had that money now to spend! :D
(But if I hadn't spent it, it would've gone somewhere else I guarantee)
I may not have a lot of spendable money, but I don't have things to pay for either. At least not yet... (rent etc etc)
So I'm allowed to have this attitude!
I figured out that, (because of the payment method I use) if my country's currency becomes more valuable against USA, I can get CC cheaper! Well, it's something to think about... don't buy cc when my currency is weak. exchange rates.
I'm sure the price dropped RM2 (very little lol) from a couple weeks ago. And 10 sen from yesterday...
...yay.... :D
Have to pay extra $1.60 dollars for.. "tax" or some kind of service charge because of the method I'm using... : / Oh well everyone's gotta make money yea??
Too many smileys in this post....
Must be a smiley day for me. I added smileys everywhere.
2mrw!! I shall try and add pictures.
Because they are pretty ya?
So blog is under semi-construction, but hopefully I can make it nice soon.
I'd like to thank Mauros Pit for linking me from his blog. (Even though I can't read a thing on his blog, hehe) Thank you!
Today, I purchased PlayFish Cash!
I've been debating about it for a while. And two certain people were pressuring me to buy. They know who they are (but do they read this?) :)
And it's just joking pressure, not peer pressure. :)
I have other reasons for buying it that pushed me to the other side of the fence. I may tell you in a couple days time.
But I really just love love love CS. It's a little upsetting that I won't be able to trade for CCs as often now. Perhaps that influenced my decision to buy. But I don't really think so. I don't have big plans to splurge on new CC items every week. Expensive!!
One thing I've always wanted are CC animals.
You would've thought they'd make em trade-able by now, but I guess they are just making things un-trade-able. ;)
But yes, those cute CC animals are loved.
However for the meantime I'm not going to buy a single one!
Yes to buy all except dog and yellow chicken, I need to fork out 125cc....
Expensive. I plan on charging 1 more time for 120cc, so perhaps I'll buy them after I get the darn free invited ostrich. But for now, use my will to not buy!!
Now Playfish cash is quite expensive for an income-less student like me.
Though I do think that since I love CS so much it's worth it.
I seriously do not think I will quit anytime soon. Unless things in real life change.
Or they manage to change cs so much it becomes unrecognizable. :O
Now years and years ago....I've spent too much money on online games. I don't even know how much.. too much...
I really don't have much regret on spending that money because I liked those games at that time.
People pay for their own hobbies right? Why not online games? Because it's "pixels"?
If it makes you happy it makes you happy.
To be honest, I was so excited about buying CCs, I couldn't really sleep... lol.
But it doesn't make me happy!
The only regret I have on spending money before is...I wish I had that money now to spend! :D
(But if I hadn't spent it, it would've gone somewhere else I guarantee)
I may not have a lot of spendable money, but I don't have things to pay for either. At least not yet... (rent etc etc)
So I'm allowed to have this attitude!
I figured out that, (because of the payment method I use) if my country's currency becomes more valuable against USA, I can get CC cheaper! Well, it's something to think about... don't buy cc when my currency is weak. exchange rates.
I'm sure the price dropped RM2 (very little lol) from a couple weeks ago. And 10 sen from yesterday...
...yay.... :D
Have to pay extra $1.60 dollars for.. "tax" or some kind of service charge because of the method I'm using... : / Oh well everyone's gotta make money yea??
Too many smileys in this post....
Must be a smiley day for me. I added smileys everywhere.
2mrw!! I shall try and add pictures.
Because they are pretty ya?
Saturday, April 17, 2010
No update this week!!
Sorry I haven't updated.
I planned to skip weds, and was going to do a thurs post for the update. But there was none.
Then I couldn't access my internet, something was wrong with it. Got it fixed though. :D
I think I'll change the layout soon. :D
But I need time to think about it.
In the meantime, I'd like to thank anyone who looked at the blog when there was no post.
Today I shall not post long because... I feel busy today. Even though I don't think I've much to do. But it's a weird feeling, so short post today. Maybe a long one tomorrow.
Today, I am sad that there is no update.
I was anxiously anticipating an update. After the last few updates I felt that there would be no major update. Maybe new items. Obviously there wasn't even that! I needed new items!! My farm screams for something un-jewelry. Though I admit the jewel items weren't horrible. I can pass off those mushrooms in my farm.
In fact I'm planning on making a small section for them some weird mushroom theme maybe. One of my friends really like mushrooms. Is it just me or did anyone else think the mushrooms looked like the alice in wonderland theme mushroom? What's it called? Colourful mushroom?
Perhaps I should post a picture of my farm one day.
But I'd really like new items! :D It's kind of sad that trading is crumbling away. Some of those CC items are to die for!
Unfortunately there ploy may be working.
I've felt like purchasing some CC myself. Though I don't think I could by enough to pay for new CC items every single week. :O
Well, it's kind of sad there aren't any new items.
Though there is definitely anticipation for the update next week. I wonder what will be in it?
I haven't seen this but apparently there's a banner over the Hotel City game advertising a new shop in Country Story. What could it be? Construction?!
I hope it's in next weeks update. Along with new items!! Can't wait! ^_^
I planned to skip weds, and was going to do a thurs post for the update. But there was none.
Then I couldn't access my internet, something was wrong with it. Got it fixed though. :D
I think I'll change the layout soon. :D
But I need time to think about it.
In the meantime, I'd like to thank anyone who looked at the blog when there was no post.
Today I shall not post long because... I feel busy today. Even though I don't think I've much to do. But it's a weird feeling, so short post today. Maybe a long one tomorrow.
Today, I am sad that there is no update.
I was anxiously anticipating an update. After the last few updates I felt that there would be no major update. Maybe new items. Obviously there wasn't even that! I needed new items!! My farm screams for something un-jewelry. Though I admit the jewel items weren't horrible. I can pass off those mushrooms in my farm.
In fact I'm planning on making a small section for them some weird mushroom theme maybe. One of my friends really like mushrooms. Is it just me or did anyone else think the mushrooms looked like the alice in wonderland theme mushroom? What's it called? Colourful mushroom?
Perhaps I should post a picture of my farm one day.
But I'd really like new items! :D It's kind of sad that trading is crumbling away. Some of those CC items are to die for!
Unfortunately there ploy may be working.
I've felt like purchasing some CC myself. Though I don't think I could by enough to pay for new CC items every single week. :O
Well, it's kind of sad there aren't any new items.
Though there is definitely anticipation for the update next week. I wonder what will be in it?
I haven't seen this but apparently there's a banner over the Hotel City game advertising a new shop in Country Story. What could it be? Construction?!
I hope it's in next weeks update. Along with new items!! Can't wait! ^_^
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Mayor
Thanks for the feedback! I'm going to try and add more pictures! ;)
Does anyone think I should change to a 2-column blog?
I saw my previous post looks very long because the width is small.
Well I shall think about it.
Today I feel like talking about the Mayor.
The man who runs Country Story.
Who implemented auto-sell, auto-tell, who outlawed trading of Instant Fertilizers, who forbid fake trees (deco trees), who obliterated the village....
Haha just kidding.
The Mayor is actually a nice person.
Doesn't anybody remember?
When we first moved into Country Story, the Mayor kindly visited us and taught us how to farm.
How to plow, seed, and water a plot.
And how to steal from our friends!! (As a harmless joke)
And what is that thing sitting on it's head? Some kind of alive vegetable/fruit creature?
What do you think?? The Mayor can't be that bad, since that cute creature loves him and is always sitting on his head!
Unfortunately, the Mayor has come under some bad light.
His new rules and policies aren't liked by a lot of people.
And this warning below doesn't help either

I'm afraid the Mayor may not get re-elected next year.
It's quite sad, though I understand people's feelings. The vanishing of an entire village won't help with voters.
But don't you think he looks like an old friendly grandpa? With a cute creature on his head!!
:D Remember the great things about the Mayor!
Does anyone think I should change to a 2-column blog?
I saw my previous post looks very long because the width is small.
Well I shall think about it.
Today I feel like talking about the Mayor.
The man who runs Country Story.
Who implemented auto-sell, auto-tell, who outlawed trading of Instant Fertilizers, who forbid fake trees (deco trees), who obliterated the village....
Haha just kidding.
The Mayor is actually a nice person.
Doesn't anybody remember?
When we first moved into Country Story, the Mayor kindly visited us and taught us how to farm.
How to plow, seed, and water a plot.
And how to steal from our friends!! (As a harmless joke)
What do you think?? The Mayor can't be that bad, since that cute creature loves him and is always sitting on his head!
Unfortunately, the Mayor has come under some bad light.
His new rules and policies aren't liked by a lot of people.
And this warning below doesn't help either
I'm afraid the Mayor may not get re-elected next year.
It's quite sad, though I understand people's feelings. The vanishing of an entire village won't help with voters.
But don't you think he looks like an old friendly grandpa? With a cute creature on his head!!
:D Remember the great things about the Mayor!
Vote to get the Mayor re-elected this year!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Country Story Appreciation
Hi! I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to read this and provide me feedback. It seems that some would prefer the text not to be centered. And some like and some dislike the three-column layout. I don't know what I can do about the layout. But the text shall be left-aligned!
Today, I feel like appreciating Country Story.
There is too many people complaining about it day and night. Although I understand there is a lot to complain about.
It's time to take some time and remember what we love about the game, don't you think?
I'm not sure why myself, but soon after the expansion update I suddenly felt so much better about Country Story. Partially because of expansion, but perhaps I just let go and moved on about the auto-sell. I still prefer no or optional auto-sell, but I can see nothing is changing.
After the expansion update, one thing I do appreciate more is definitely my old slow laptop. I used to think it was an old really horrible computer that's couldn't play cs at all, and kept getting errors etc.
Admittedly, my laptop is not too great. But there is something I noticed after the update.
One was the large amount of people complaining about how after expanding, Country Story is too slow to play, too painful. This actually freaked me out quite a bit. I waited a few days and expanded at an internet cafe, which has faster computers.
After going home. I loaded cs in a state of anxiety. However I found cs quite fine. Quite the same. There didn't seem to be more lag or more errors. Though it is still slow and sometimes errors appeared.
Because of this I had a small epiphany. I realized my laptop was not that slow. And I realized I knew my laptop. The signs of slowness, and what to do when it's slow or when errors keep appearing. I used my knowledge and optimized my cs playing experience.
Contrasting to before, one incident a couple of months prior where I spent 3 hours trying to work on my farm only to have majority of it not save, and having to do everything again. This happened at night. I was tired and stayed up to farm!
But now I know what to do. And am very happy that I can still play cs. With minimal slowness, usually. An occasionally it's even pretty smooth.
I've been blessed by cs. I've rarely had any selective bugs, I've almost always been able to get in, except once or twice but only for a day. With all the complaining I now know I'm pretty lucky. :D
Another thing I've realized is orange trees are really really nice.
I've never planted oranges trees in a mass amount before. Actually almost never planted orange trees. I planted a few when trees came out but after that, none, zip, nada.
Well I've planted a bunch of orange trees for the Tree Spirit Drop rate guide on the forum.
And looking at them today I just think they are quite quite beautiful!
I'm just starting at the beautiful oranges <3 I'm infuriated with them
A reminder how good CS graphics are. ;)
It's true Country Story has it's ups and downs.
Yes we all see the numerous amount of downs. lol.
But I think we can agree that cs is really great!
And there are features about it we love!!
Unfortunately some of us are pushed pass the point where we'll keep playing.
But I hope we all do for a long time! ;)
Today, I feel like appreciating Country Story.
There is too many people complaining about it day and night. Although I understand there is a lot to complain about.
It's time to take some time and remember what we love about the game, don't you think?
I'm not sure why myself, but soon after the expansion update I suddenly felt so much better about Country Story. Partially because of expansion, but perhaps I just let go and moved on about the auto-sell. I still prefer no or optional auto-sell, but I can see nothing is changing.
After the expansion update, one thing I do appreciate more is definitely my old slow laptop. I used to think it was an old really horrible computer that's couldn't play cs at all, and kept getting errors etc.
Admittedly, my laptop is not too great. But there is something I noticed after the update.
One was the large amount of people complaining about how after expanding, Country Story is too slow to play, too painful. This actually freaked me out quite a bit. I waited a few days and expanded at an internet cafe, which has faster computers.
After going home. I loaded cs in a state of anxiety. However I found cs quite fine. Quite the same. There didn't seem to be more lag or more errors. Though it is still slow and sometimes errors appeared.
Because of this I had a small epiphany. I realized my laptop was not that slow. And I realized I knew my laptop. The signs of slowness, and what to do when it's slow or when errors keep appearing. I used my knowledge and optimized my cs playing experience.
Contrasting to before, one incident a couple of months prior where I spent 3 hours trying to work on my farm only to have majority of it not save, and having to do everything again. This happened at night. I was tired and stayed up to farm!
But now I know what to do. And am very happy that I can still play cs. With minimal slowness, usually. An occasionally it's even pretty smooth.
I've been blessed by cs. I've rarely had any selective bugs, I've almost always been able to get in, except once or twice but only for a day. With all the complaining I now know I'm pretty lucky. :D
Another thing I've realized is orange trees are really really nice.
I've never planted oranges trees in a mass amount before. Actually almost never planted orange trees. I planted a few when trees came out but after that, none, zip, nada.
Well I've planted a bunch of orange trees for the Tree Spirit Drop rate guide on the forum.
And looking at them today I just think they are quite quite beautiful!
I'm just starting at the beautiful oranges <3 I'm infuriated with them
A reminder how good CS graphics are. ;)
It's true Country Story has it's ups and downs.
Yes we all see the numerous amount of downs. lol.
But I think we can agree that cs is really great!
And there are features about it we love!!
Unfortunately some of us are pushed pass the point where we'll keep playing.
But I hope we all do for a long time! ;)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
New Beginnings
Hi! Welcome to the first blog post of my attempt at a Country Story blog.
Why am I making a CS blog you ask?
Several reasons:
Anyone reading should know these things.
It is my hope the this will pick up!
And fill the hole in my heart of losing trading.
But there will always be a piece missing.
I'm being emotional. :D
I really do hope this will become...at least something.
And if it does I'll probably decorate the blog more.
I plan to blog everyday. But I'll probably fail, so every other day seems reasonable.
But my aim is everyday.
At the very least I WILL blog once a week when Country Story is updated!
And now a little story to make things more interesting (I hope)
SandFish's Playfish Journey
My Playfish Journey began awhile ago.
Before I discovered Playfish, facebook was just another boring social site that I joined simply because my friends kept bugging me to. Although I admit, much more interesting than other social sites.
Prior to playfish I hadn't yet played any game apps. Though I had tried apps such as, (fluff)friends, top friends, and various quiz apps. Not quite fun.
Ironically, my brother found the first playfish game, not me. He doesn't really like playfish games. Or any facebook games. He's not really a facebook/playfish games type of person.
The first playfish game I played was Word Challenge.
I was interested because it looked like Text Twist, and I liked word games.
The highest person on my brother's list was around 8k-9k points.
We thought it was very high, since the first game we played we got quite low.
However I'm an extremely competitive person, and soon I practiced enough to beat him. Then I aimed for my own list, friend's high score was 20k. After a long time I did beat her and got 21k. Not high at all compared to world lists, but high enough for me. And when I got to the top I stopped playing.
After Word Challenge, I discovered Who has the Biggest Brain. As I'm competitive, I tried it as well. Unfortunately, I'm not at the top of my friend's list yet. ;)
Soon after I discovered Geo Challenge. The same concept, I practiced until I was the top.
Pet Society took longer to get to me. One of my friends continually kept inviting me. However I declined several times. Because I hadn't seen any pictures, and from the name I easily assumed it was like (fluff)friends, which was boring.
I found Pet Society very cute. And back then it wasn't slow on my laptop, (but it's horribly slow now). Of course to my competitive nature the things I enjoyed most were playing with my pet, frisbee, skipping rope and ball, to get the gold trophies. To which I enjoyed that me friends could not get them. (XD competitive) But I never really enjoyed making money or purchasing items (because I didn't have enough money for everything I wanted)
But around this time I did join the forum. Mainly to enter contests for free stuff. XD
But I eventually stopped playing much.
Then my exams started, and I also found Restaurant City.
During my time at home, studying (we had to study at home for about a month and a half) I played RC. And a few of my friends did as well. We started to get competitive with points. Back then you had to be online with the screen open to earn experience. It wasn't fun to leave it open. But to keep up with my friends or surpass them I had to. And did.
Around this time I started adding people for RC. I needed ingredient to level 3 dishes to level 10, so I could get more exp per dish, and beat my friends. (I was also studying XD)
It was very funny when my friends were mad that I had level 10 dishes. Though one of my friends who was higher than me could get the same amount of exp as me a day, despite my level ten dishes and his below level 5 dishes. The competition was on!
However after my exams, I slowly began to lose interest.
I no longer had the will to leave RC running all day.
Around last August, I was very bored at home. And found out that playfish had 2 new games!
Crazy Planets and Country Story!
Wow! Two new games for me to try?!
I played Crazy Planets a lot at the beginning.
It reminded me of Gunbound which I loved.
But eventually I got tired of not having enough metals to level up my weapons.
And I had almost gotten all the medals just a few were missing.
I gave it up.
At that time I also started playing Country Story.
I loved it as soon as I played it.
Eventually I found the forums again. And learnt about trading.
Back when we needed 15 friends for the dog, I didn't want to add random people.
So I tried to convince my friends to played.
And got quite a few to play. Not only install the game. But play!
Although, they've all quit already.
But I had loved trading. I loved it so much that I created a guide. Which has not been updated in a long time, due to Country Story continuously changing drastically and affecting trading.
I remember buying one of each deco tree the day before they were removed.
I loved trading because I could get CC items!
Though now it's going to be hard.
Trading was a great part of playing CS.
Once I got hooked to CS, I would try other Playfish games.
Like Gangster City, and Hotel City.
Although CS is still the best, despite everything.
Country Story is truly a great game!
I'm glad I found it!
Why am I making a CS blog you ask?
Several reasons:
- I'm obsessed with Country Story. (I've got to be since I'm making a blog!)
- The trading forum is dying. My Country Story passion. And now I'm trying to find a new one. Blogging. (Yes, amazing I love Country Story for reasons OTHER than the game)
- I love blogging. Or talking. When there is a good topic. I.e CS.
- If I blog I can pretend people are actually reading, rather than on the forums where I can tell people aren't reading. lol.
- I just want to tell my feelings toward Country Story and not create many many forum threads.
Anyone reading should know these things.
- This is not a blog about CS guides or how to play the game, etc.
- This is not a blog where you'll find cheats etc. (Trust me, almost all websites have something to do with cs cheats it's disgusting...the forum is really the only good discussion place in my honest opinion)
- This is a blog where I write about my feelings about Country Story, other playfish games, and tell a few exciting stories (playfish related). It may be "diary" like.
It is my hope the this will pick up!
And fill the hole in my heart of losing trading.
But there will always be a piece missing.
I'm being emotional. :D
I really do hope this will become...at least something.
And if it does I'll probably decorate the blog more.
I plan to blog everyday. But I'll probably fail, so every other day seems reasonable.
But my aim is everyday.
At the very least I WILL blog once a week when Country Story is updated!
And now a little story to make things more interesting (I hope)
SandFish's Playfish Journey
My Playfish Journey began awhile ago.
Before I discovered Playfish, facebook was just another boring social site that I joined simply because my friends kept bugging me to. Although I admit, much more interesting than other social sites.
Prior to playfish I hadn't yet played any game apps. Though I had tried apps such as, (fluff)friends, top friends, and various quiz apps. Not quite fun.
Ironically, my brother found the first playfish game, not me. He doesn't really like playfish games. Or any facebook games. He's not really a facebook/playfish games type of person.
The first playfish game I played was Word Challenge.
I was interested because it looked like Text Twist, and I liked word games.
The highest person on my brother's list was around 8k-9k points.
We thought it was very high, since the first game we played we got quite low.
However I'm an extremely competitive person, and soon I practiced enough to beat him. Then I aimed for my own list, friend's high score was 20k. After a long time I did beat her and got 21k. Not high at all compared to world lists, but high enough for me. And when I got to the top I stopped playing.
After Word Challenge, I discovered Who has the Biggest Brain. As I'm competitive, I tried it as well. Unfortunately, I'm not at the top of my friend's list yet. ;)
Soon after I discovered Geo Challenge. The same concept, I practiced until I was the top.
Pet Society took longer to get to me. One of my friends continually kept inviting me. However I declined several times. Because I hadn't seen any pictures, and from the name I easily assumed it was like (fluff)friends, which was boring.
I found Pet Society very cute. And back then it wasn't slow on my laptop, (but it's horribly slow now). Of course to my competitive nature the things I enjoyed most were playing with my pet, frisbee, skipping rope and ball, to get the gold trophies. To which I enjoyed that me friends could not get them. (XD competitive) But I never really enjoyed making money or purchasing items (because I didn't have enough money for everything I wanted)
But around this time I did join the forum. Mainly to enter contests for free stuff. XD
But I eventually stopped playing much.
Then my exams started, and I also found Restaurant City.
During my time at home, studying (we had to study at home for about a month and a half) I played RC. And a few of my friends did as well. We started to get competitive with points. Back then you had to be online with the screen open to earn experience. It wasn't fun to leave it open. But to keep up with my friends or surpass them I had to. And did.
Around this time I started adding people for RC. I needed ingredient to level 3 dishes to level 10, so I could get more exp per dish, and beat my friends. (I was also studying XD)
It was very funny when my friends were mad that I had level 10 dishes. Though one of my friends who was higher than me could get the same amount of exp as me a day, despite my level ten dishes and his below level 5 dishes. The competition was on!
However after my exams, I slowly began to lose interest.
I no longer had the will to leave RC running all day.
Around last August, I was very bored at home. And found out that playfish had 2 new games!
Crazy Planets and Country Story!
Wow! Two new games for me to try?!
I played Crazy Planets a lot at the beginning.
It reminded me of Gunbound which I loved.
But eventually I got tired of not having enough metals to level up my weapons.
And I had almost gotten all the medals just a few were missing.
I gave it up.
At that time I also started playing Country Story.
I loved it as soon as I played it.
Eventually I found the forums again. And learnt about trading.
Back when we needed 15 friends for the dog, I didn't want to add random people.
So I tried to convince my friends to played.
And got quite a few to play. Not only install the game. But play!
Although, they've all quit already.
But I had loved trading. I loved it so much that I created a guide. Which has not been updated in a long time, due to Country Story continuously changing drastically and affecting trading.
I remember buying one of each deco tree the day before they were removed.
I loved trading because I could get CC items!
Though now it's going to be hard.
Trading was a great part of playing CS.
Once I got hooked to CS, I would try other Playfish games.
Like Gangster City, and Hotel City.
Although CS is still the best, despite everything.
Country Story is truly a great game!
I'm glad I found it!
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